Welcome Valley Grads and Friends of the Akron / Mentone Communities

Two thirds of 8000 alumni of Tippecanoe Valley -- and the schools that created it -- no longer live in the school district. This blog is intended to keep us all connected, to news of our hometowns and of each other.

Friday, December 13, 2013

November Tornado Damage

Everyone knows that tornadoes are common weather occurrences during Indiana’s peculiar spring and summer weather patterns, but a chain of 26 confirmed tornados throughout the state in the middle of November should cause some alarm. It is known as the second biggest tornado outbreak in Indiana. On November 17th, three of these tornadoes damaged many parts of our community and devastated a handful of local families. Sophomore Karis Tucker and Freshman Lucas Mills are two students who were stunned to see their farms destroyed by the tornadoes.
There were three tornadoes in Kosciusko County, the first tornado was an EF1 and ran near Talma and went past Mentone. The second one was an EF2 and went from Rock lake to east of Silver Lake. The third tornado was an EF1 tornado going from Oswego to Warsaw.
 Many people realized how bad the devastation was and wanted to help. Church members, fire fighters, police, neighbors, family, and friends from the community graciously helped both farms clean up the destruction.  Fifteen students from TVHS spent their day cleaning up the Mills farm and the Tucker’s farm. With the help of construction crews and the other community members, Tucker farms was almost entirely picked up. The next day twenty students visited the Mills farm for the afternoon and picked up the remainder of the damage.
Junior Cody Demske helped clean up the farms. “I loved knowing I make a difference in someone’s life, its heart breaking to see someone go through that, it’s hard to imagine putting yourself in their place. It was cold but well worth it.”

 All the students and community members courteously sorted through the debris and recycled loose parts they could find. With debris scattered all over the fields and piled on top of each other, the job could have easily taken weeks to clean up but was finished in only three days due to the help from community members. We have an incredible community, when someone is in need of help our community steps forward and helps them. 

Mock Interviews

On Thursday, December 5th, the freshmen class did their annual mock interviews.  The mock interviews are part of the career planning class taught by Mr. Parker and Mr. Engbrecht. For the last few weeks the freshmen have been preparing for their interview. They have been practicing interview skills along with writing resumes, hand shake, eye contact, appearance, and posture.
                The freshmen have been placed into groups according to their career. There were thirty-one different groups with five to six freshmen in each group. Once every member of the group gets interviewed then the interviewer will choose a winner who gets “hired.” The interviewers were Mr. Parker and Mr. Engbrechts internship and ICE students which are all either juniors or seniors at TVHS. The Interviewers were given the names of their interviewees early and were told to look them up on social media and find out as much information about the student as possible. Some of the freshmen had a wide awakening when their interviewers asked them about some of their inappropriate material that was on their social media. We are hoping that they will now be more cautious about what they put on public media. The interviewers asked them a series of common interview questions and pick a winner based on their answers, speaking, handshake, appearance, posture, and willingness to take notes and ask questions.
                I am a senior at TVHS and I am interning at the hospital next semester, since I would like to become a nurse one day I got six students who  want to become nurses also.  I thought interviewing them was very fun and a good experience. We were also allowed to ask our interviewees a random question that they didn’t know was coming. I asked the same question to all of the freshmen. The question was “what can you bring to this business that no one else can?” while some answered the question very well  there were a few who didn’t do so well but it was entertaining either way. I think the interviews are a good experience for the internship students, ICE students, and career planning students. I hope that the freshmen are more prepared for future interviews and I hope they know what to expect in the future.